Andrey Heimonen

Andrey Heimonen
My passion for photography was awoken at a very early age thanks to the strong influence and fantasy of my father. He saw things a special way, through his deep knowledge and sensitivity for the world around him and that set the ground stone for my eye and vision as an artist. My obsession for detail comes from observing him. He spend hours in his darkroom with a red magic light, dedicated and passionately developing his pictures.
When I saw what was possible my mind blossomed and I spent observing, trying and experimenting. I remember sweetly the pleasant expectations for the images - mine and his. Since that moment, photography has become more than a passion-it’s life for me.
Photography is a symphony, a poem, a sculpture, defined by light and vision creating feelings. The art of photography is a unique moment in your life. And in mine.
Andrey Heimonen, Saint Petersburg, Russia